Why Only White Men?

You might ask yourself, why are we focussing on white men only in this workshop.

On the surface it would make sense that we invite people from a diversity of racial backgrounds to a workshop that addresses racism to have a diverse group of people tackling the conversation about racism.

Talking about racism is often triggering when the group holds racial diversity. We have chosen to explore this important topic as a homogenous group to keep trigger points to a minimum. Even in a group of white men, a huge number of diverse views and experiences show up and will create engaging conversations.

Here are 3 reasons why we only invite white men to this workshop.

  1. The value of this group is in sharing experiences and learning from these.
  2. It is to our advantage to educate ourselves about racism and how it impacts us.
  3. Working within a racial homogeneous group prepares us for the work within a racially diverse group.