16 Session Program Overview

Duration: 2 hours

When: Every 3 Weeks

Day/ Time: Thursdays 17h00 to 19h00

Group Size: Max 8 Particpants

Start Date: February 2022

The first 8 Sessions follow set topics that enable a strong foundation for the group to then continue to explore more specific topics of choice. The specific topics of choice might include a deepening of some topics already explored, or they might include topics more current at that time. 

Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4
Set upWitnessingTerminologyLook Back
This session focuses on designing and aligning as a group and set up clear intentions about outcomes,  values and agreements about holding space for each other as a group.Consciously or unconsciously, we all hold a personal story about how and where we learnt about race. There is no right or wrong story, however, sharing them is a powerful act. To support our conversation and learning we use this session to align on key terminology to support the group in delving deeper into the various aspects of racism.To understand the present we are invited to also explore how we got here.
Although we mostly want to leave the past in the past, history has a powerful impact on the present.
Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8
Self ReflectionMy RoleAwarenessResilience
In this session we take a closer look at what it means to be white. How do we experience it, or not? What does this mean for me?We continue with refection without judgement and look at what role we are actively playing. We always hold some kind of role, the invitation is to be more intentional. To build awareness in a group, we use deep democracy to embrace the various views and feelings and gain a systemic view and build empathy in exploring all views. The intention in this session is to build capacity for holding conversations in the presence of guilt, rage, shame, fragility, fatigue and our own blind spots.
How can we stay grounded and present?  

To honour each group according to its pace and learning needs, sessions 9 to 16 are designed upon completion of the first 8 modules. Module 9 will be used to co-create the themes forward.